XCAM0720PHB C-mount HDMI  CMOS Camera

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Photos Captured with WCAM01080PA

Photos Captured with WCAM01080PA
Photos Captured with WCAM01080PA Simple Ciliated Columnar Epithelium Simple Cuboidal Epithelium. Sec. Loose Connective Tissue W. M. Fiber Connective Tissue. Sec. Human Blood. Smear Frog Blood. Smear Chicken Blood. Smear Cardiac Muscle . Human . Sec. Motor Neuron. Ox. W.M. Spinal Cord. Rabbit, C.S. Spinal Cord. Radbbit, C.S. Silve Oesophagus. C.S. Stomach. Sec. Testis. Cat. Sec. Rabbit Sperm. Smear. Human Sperm. Smear.

TPS007100 Slide Package for WCAM1080PHA Camera to Capture

The TPS007100 slide package is used  as the sample image. Hover your mouse on the image list will display the image title. One can find the WCAM1080PHA camera has uniform background and high SNR. No.1~84 slides are used for other cameras.
No. Slide Name(EN) 切片名(CN)
85 Simple Ciliated Columnar Epithelium  单词纤毛上皮
86 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium. Sec. 单层立方上皮切片
87 Loose Connective Tissue W. M. 疏松结缔组织装片
88 Fiber Connective Tissue. Sec. 纤维结缔组织切片
89 Human Blood. Smear 人血涂片
90 Frog Blood. Smear 蛙血液
91 Chicken Blood. Smear 鸡血
92 Cardiac Muscle . Human . Sec. 人心肌切片
93 Motor Neuron. Ox. W.M. 牛运动神经元装片
94 Spinal Cord. Rabbit, C.S. 兔脊髓横切
95 Spinal Cord. Radbbit, C.S. Silve 吐脊髓横切银染
96 Oesophagus. C.S. 食道横切
97 Stomach. Sec. 胃切片
98 Testis. Cat. Sec. 猫精巢切片
99 Rabbit Sperm. Smear. 兔精子涂片
100 Human Sperm. Smear. 人精子

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