XCAM0720PHB C-mount HDMI  CMOS Camera

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Photos Captured with UCMOS03100KPA

Photos Captured with UCMOS03100KPA
Photos Captured with UCMOS03100KPA MB03 Sugar Crystals. W.M. MB08 Comparative Hairs. Human, Sheep & Cat BA01 Chlamydomonas. W.M. BA04 Spirogyra. W.M. BM01 Lichen. Sec. BM08 Fern Leaf. C.S. BG01 Pine Leaf. C.S. BG03 Ten Year Pine Stem. C.S. BR01 Corn Root Tip. L.S. BR03 Broad bean Root. C.S. BS02 Corn Stem. C.S. BS09 Cucurbit Stem. L.S. BS11 Top Bud. L.S. BS15 Collenchyma. Sec. BL02 Onion Leaf Epidermis. W.M. BL04 Corn Leaf. C.S. BL08 Rice Leaf Epidermis, W.M. BF01 Sunflower Flower. L.S. BF07 Capsella Young Embryo. Sec. BF08 Capsella Older Emdryo. Sec. BF11 Pear. Sec. Showing Stone Cell BB01 Bacteria Three Types Smear BB02 Yeast. Smear BB03 Penicillium. W.M. BB05 Mushroom. Sec.

TPS005050 Slide Package for UCMOS03100KPA Camera to Capture

The TPS005050 slide package is used  as the sample image. Hover your mouse on the image list will display the image title. One can find the UCMOS03100KPA camera has uniform background and high SNR. No.26~50 slides are used for future new camera.
No. Slide Name(EN) 切片名(CN)
1 MB03 Sugar Crystals. W.M. 糖晶体装片
2 MB08 Comparative Hairs. Human, Sheep & Cat  人,羊,猫三毛发比较
3 BA01 Chlamydomonas. W.M. 衣藻
4 BA04 Spirogyra. W.M. 水绵装片
5 BM01 Lichen. Sec. 地衣切片
6 BM08 Fern Leaf. C.S. 蕨叶横切
7 BG01 Pine Leaf. C.S. 松叶横切
8 BG03 Ten Year Pine Stem. C.S. 十年生松茎横切
9 BR01 Corn Root Tip. L.S. 玉米根尖纵切
10 BR03 Broad bean Root. C.S. 蚕豆根横切
11 BS02 Corn Stem. C.S. 松茎横切
12 BS09 Cucurbit Stem. L.S. 南瓜茎纵切
13 BS11 Top Bud. L.S. 顶芽纵切
14 BS15 Collenchyma. Sec. 厚角组织
15 BL02 Onion Leaf Epidermis. W.M. 洋葱表皮装片
16 BL04 Corn Leaf. C.S. 玉米叶横切
17 BL08 Rice Leaf Epidermis, W.M. 水稻叶表皮装片
18 BF01 Sunflower Flower. L.S. 向日葵花纵切
19 BF07 Capsella Young Embryo. Sec. 荠菜幼胚切片
20 BF08 Capsella Older Emdryo. Sec. 荠菜成熟胚切片
21 BF11 Pear. Sec. Showing Stone Cell 梨石细胞切片
22 BB01 Bacteria Three Types Smear 细菌三型
23 BB02 Yeast. Smear 酵母菌
24 BB03 Penicillium. W.M. 青霉菌
25 BB05 Mushroom. Sec. 伞菌

TAG:  Photos UCMOS03100KPA UCMOS Series Camera Slide MT9T001
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